

The Plant of


If you struggle with your “green thumb”, Sansevieria is the plant for you! It is plant that can take care of itself with minimal watering required and can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions. Characterized by their stiff, upright, sword-like leaves, their architectural nature make them a natural choice for modern and contemporary interior designs. Sansevieria are unique in that they perform a specific type of photosynthesis at night, which allows them to release oxygen throughout the night, unlike most other plants that release oxygen only during the day.

Care Line Classification


Care Information




Sansevieria do best in bright light, but tolerate low light as well.




Prefers temperatures between 50-85°F.




Let soil dry out completely between waterings.

The Sansevieria: Deep Dive


Year round indoors


This undemanding plant prefers bright spots, but not direct sunlight, to keep the foliage full. If you’re short on light in your home, no worries! This plant will also do just fine in lower light conditions provided it is allowed to dry. These plants are quite drought-resistant and don’t require a lot of water, so wait until the top half of the soil is completely dry before watering. Do not over water. It is better to keep this soil on the dryer side as opposed to being wet. It is best to take off the wrap or non-draining container and place in a sink when watering to allow it to drain from the bottom of the pot. Once the pot has drained, replace to its original spot.

Home to Garden

Sansevieria only do well outdoors in warm climates. (USDA zones 9 to 11). Temperatures below 55 are too cold for them. Choose a spot in your garden that receives indirect sunlight. Often, the biggest issue is understanding just how little water they require to grow! The best time to water is once the soil has completely dried. This will depend on the size of the plant and the outdoor humidity levels. They can survive without water anywhere from two to six weeks. When planting your sansevieria in the ground outdoors, you’ll want to make sure that it’s placed in an area far away from other plants that require more frequent watering or in a pot by itself (or with other tropical plants). The best way to determine if your snake plant is too dry is to look at the leaves. If you notice that the leaves are starting to turn yellow or appear wilted on the ends, chances are it’s time to give the plant some water.


Flower Meaning

Sansevieria is connected with bringing good luck and provides positivity into the surroundings.

Fun Facts

Sansevieria are native to Africa, Madagascar and Southern Asia, and lie under the plant family Asparagaceae. As you may have guessed, the most famous member of this plant family is the delicious garden asparagus. Sansevieria is also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue or Snake Plant. An uncommon name for Sansevieria that you might not have heard before: Viper’s or Ceylon Bowstring Hemp. This name was given due to plant fiber’s strength that are sturdy enough to make bow strings from!



