Growing Together
Like many Americans, our team was impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Milgro Nursery received a slough of order cancellations from large grocery chains and retailers across the country, leaving hundreds of thousands of flowers in their greenhouses. Rather than discarding these flowers, Milgro delivered our excess plants to nursing homes, assisted living communities, hospitals, schools and businesses. We even hand-delivered flowers to our neighbor’s doorsteps, in hopes of spreading happiness during these difficult times. The world took notice!
Community News
Nurturing Community, Growing Roots
At Milgro Nursery, we take sincere pride in planting seeds of love and happiness in our community. From delivering flowers to our essential workers, or making sure a neighbor feels the love, we strive to grow strong roots near and far. During the pandemic, our flower deliveries continued across the country with help from those in our community.
Flowers for Heroes
In crisis, we have the option to wilt or grow together. Milgro has chosen to grow, and uplift all the heroes that keep our community running. We love to partner with local businesses, and ignite hope through flowers.