

The Plant of
Energetic Luck


Jade or Crassula Ovata, is a popular succulent that has plump, shiny, oval-shaped leaves with thick, woody stems. They come in various shades of green and grey, some with red or yellow edges.

Jade Care Line Classification


Care Information




Grows best in a bright, sunny spot.




Prefers average temperatures between 65-75°F.




Allow soil to dry between thorough waterings. Remove wrap or decor before watering. Drain off all excess water. Do not allow plants to stand in water.

The Jade: Deep Dive


Year round indoors


Jade need a lot of natural sunlight, so it’s good to keep them in a room with an abundance of light. Although avoid placing them in direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves and keep the plant from blooming. These low maintenance plants don’t require daily watering, but a complete saturation every week or two depending on the temperature. Let the soil dry between waterings. Because succulent leaves are capable of storing water, this plant is easy to care for. It is best to take off the wrap/container and place in a sink before watering to allow it to drain from the bottom of the pot. Once the pot has drained, replace it to its original spot.

Home to Garden

Succulents prefer lots of sunshine, dry soil, and little watering. If this doesn’t fit the surrounding flora, consider using your succulents as houseplants or moving them to a separate location. 

Gently remove plants from their pots and plant them making sure the soil level remains the same depth as it was in the pot. Slowly acclimate your plants by providing some shade and shelter for the first week. Add a few hours more of sunlight every couple of days. This will allow for a healthy transition. Most succulent varieties need at least half a day to a full day of sunlight. In extremely hot areas, some afternoon shade is recommended. Succulents grown in too much shade will stretch looking for more sun.


Flower Meaning

Jade is a popular good luck charm in Asia thought to activate financial energies. It is a traditional gift for businesses. Many business owners place this plant at the entrance of their businesses or in the southeast location to bring prosperity and success.

Fun Facts

How Jade came into cultivation is a bit cloudy. It is believed that 17th century Dutch explorers and shipping route developers sent living plants and seeds back to Holland from the Cape of Good Hope. This succulent plant, which grows naturally in areas of South Africa, was undoubtedly amongst those collected. In 1786, a French naturalist reported that the plant had been "growing for a long time" in Paris in the Jardin du Roi. He believed it came from Africa.



