

The Flower of
Warmth & Creativity


Cheerful Marigolds are known for their beautiful folds of petals that make up their rounded flower heads. They present in wonderfully warm hues of the sun, with colors ranging from vibrant yellow to deep gold. Holding symbolic meaning and an important place in many cultures, it’s no wonder that marigolds maintain a special place in the heart of flower-lovers everywhere.

Marigold Care Line Classification


Care Information




Place in bright, indirect light.




Prefers temperatures 60-70°F. Avoid drafts.




Keep soil evenly moist at all times. Mist 1-2 times a week to increase humidity.

The Marigold: Deep Dive




Keep Marigolds in moderate temperatures.  They like the sun but keep away from excessive heat. Let soil dry out between waterings. They do best drinking from the base. Take off wrap/container and place in a place in a sink of water and let it soak. Drain the water and let the plant sit to drain excess water and replace to it’s original spot. Pinch off blooms as soon as they wilt to keep the plant neat and compact and to stimulate more blooms. 


Flower Meaning

Marigolds symbolize beauty, warmth, creativity, and a drive to succeed. They are used in Hindu weddings due to their representation of the sun, symbolizing brightness and positive energy. They are also known as the flower of the dead in pre-Hispanic Mexico and are still regarded as an important symbol used during Day of the Dead festivities!

Fun Facts

Commonly referred to as the ‘herb of the sun’, marigolds are thought to originate from Southern Europe. They come from both the genus Calendula and the genus Tagetes. These flowers are also often used for medicinal purposes. For example, their flowers contain lutein, a substance that offers many benefits to the human eye. They also contain substances with anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.



