
thumbnails_Cyclamen Thumbnail.png

The Flower of
Hardy Charm


Cyclamen plants produce delightful flowers that resemble butterflies in flight. Their blooms sit atop heart-shaped leaves that are often beautifully variegated. They come in wonderful colors ranging from bright white to vibrant reds. These flowers are very popular for having a delicate look with a lot of charm, but are actually very vigorous and hardy. These stunning flowers will bloom for several months, adding elegance to your home with their deep jewel-tone colors.

Cyclamen Care Line Classification


Care Information




Place in bright, diffused light: near a sunny window is ideal. Protect from direct sun.




Cool to moderate home temperatures, 60-70°F daytimes and 50-60° nights. Avoid excessively hot or cold areas.




Moderately moist soil is preferred. Water thoroughly after soil feels dry to the touch. Remove wrap or decor before watering. Drain off all excess water. Do not let plant stand in water.

The Cyclamen: Deep Dive


Year-round indoors


Cyclamen like to be in cool, dark conditions out of direct sun. Water only as needed. Take off the wrap or container and place in a sink before watering. Allow the water to drain out from the bottom of the pot before replacing it to its original spot. Wait for the soil to be almost dry to the touch before watering again. Once the foliage dies back, stop watering your plant. Place it in a cool, dark place for two months while the plant goes through its required dormancy. Soak the pot in a bucket or bowl of tepid water until bubbles stop rising to the top. Drain and resume your normal cyclamen care. New growth will appear quickly, allowing you to enjoy your plant again.

Home to Garden

Choose a shady or partially shady location for your cyclamens. Plant the bulbs so the top of the bulb is slightly below the surface of the soil. Cyclamens prefer humus-rich, slightly acidic soil that drains well. Keep them moist during the period of growth and blooming but decrease watering when they go dormant. Too much water during its dormant period will cause the bulbs to rot. Hardy cyclamen tolerates cold climates and freezing winters. However, this cool climate plant doesn’t survive where summers are hot and dry.


Flower Meaning

Cyclamen represent enduring love and affection. In the Mediterranean region, it is viewed as a symbol of devotion and empathy. Potted cyclamen plants make an endearing gift for nearly anyone on your list. These flowers are ideal for moms, daughters, sisters, and even that new love interest!

Fun Facts

Cyclamen flowers are native to Europe and the Mediterranean Basin where they grow wild in rocky areas along mountainsides and in shaded areas under the canopy of trees. Cyclamen gets its name from the latin word “cyclamnos” meaning circular. It is thought to refer to the way the cyclamen flower stem bends and curls down to the earth once seeds have formed. Other sources suggest it refers to the nearly round tuber from which it springs. The tuber, if placed in the right location, will come back year after year. To give you an idea of the longevity of this plant, the tubers can live up to a century. Cyclamen bulbs and plants are toxic to humans and pets if ingested raw. In turn, they are dried and roasted as a delicacy in some regions, as the roasting process breaks down the toxins found in the raw bulbs.



